Unitat Jocs 3D

Lego Ninjago: Els Quatre Camins | Unitat Jocs 3D

Unitat Jocs 3D > Unitat Bonus 3D > Lego Ninjago: Els Quatre Camins


Do you like unity 3d lego ninjago games? Si ho fa, then you will love to play Lego Ninjago: Els Quatre Camins, també. In Lego Ninjago: The Four Paths you have to prove your ninja skills and obtain the highest score possible. You have to avoid flaming sparks that falling down, spiky cactus or cliffs and so on.


Per jugar Lego Ninjago: Els Quatre Camins, you will use your mouse for move the lego ninja player.

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Play Lego Ninjago: Els Quatre Camins