Unitat Jocs 3D

Megabyte Ponx | Unitat Jocs 3D

Unitat Jocs 3D > Unity 3D Fighting > Megabyte Ponx


If you like unity 3d robot games, then you will like for sure to play Megabyte Punch. In Megabyte Punch, you are a small robot and you travel through different environments, search for hidden parts and battle other creatures. This is the adventure mode. Then there is the fight mode. Here you can fight other players in a destructible arena with the abilities your customized creature gives you. Your robot is customizable, so you will be able to upgrade the robot.


To play Megabyte Punch, que va a utilitzar les tecles de cursor per moure, Barra d'espai per saltar, Tecla Z per a l'atac, X key for special ability, Entrada (Retorn) for inventory, Ctrl key for block and Shift key for pelvic thrust.

Megabyte Ponx

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Play Megabyte Punch
