Unitat Jocs 3D

Mapache Rumble | Unitat Jocs 3D

Unitat Jocs 3D > Unitat Bonus 3D > Mapache Rumble


Raccoon Rumble is an unity 3d funny game where you have to help two pirate raccoons to get their pineapple fruit using a slingshot. The pineapples are placed on a barrel and the fruit are to high to be reached. So you must use a slingshot and three types of ammunition to destroy everything but not the pineapple. The pineapple must be on the ground and not into water to pass to the next level. Completi tota la 71 desafiadors nivells i divertir.


To play Raccoon Rumble, que utilitzarà el ratolí.

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Més Jocs Unity 3D

Demà Reforç de pesca
Goliat enutjat
bullet Boy
Crispetes Xef
Anar a casa, Estàs borratxo
Vine a casa, Espai pastanaga Conillet
Farty de Rush
Woozy Cambrer

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