Unitat Jocs 3D

El gos del rescat | Unitat Jocs 3D

Unitat Jocs 3D > Unitat Bonus 3D > El gos del rescat


Rescue Dog is an unity 3d game where you are playing with a rescue dog and your mission is to rescue a boy trapped under snow. Emma is needing your help to find his brother, Daniel, which is gone to Switzerland for climbing. He is lost and you with Emma and the Saint Bernard rescue dog, Brian, have to rescue him before it's to late.


To play Rescue Dog, que utilitzarà el ratolí per interactuar.

Tutorial de vídeo

Deixa un comentari

Més Jocs Unity 3D

Demà Reforç de pesca
Goliat enutjat
bullet Boy
Crispetes Xef
Anar a casa, Estàs borratxo
Vine a casa, Espai pastanaga Conillet
Farty de Rush
Woozy Cambrer

Play Rescue Dog