Unitat Jocs 3D

Toxic City - jocs espacial Unity3D | Unitat Jocs 3D

Unitat Jocs 3D > Unitat Bonus 3D > Toxic City – jocs espacial Unity3D


Toxic City is an unity3d spatial game where you have to roll through a toxit city and reach to your spaceship. When you are crossing the city, you will have to pass through walls and other obstacles.


To play Toxic City, usarà W,La,S,Tecles D o les fletxes per moure.

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Més Jocs Unity 3D

Demà Reforç de pesca
Goliat enutjat
bullet Boy
Crispetes Xef
Anar a casa, Estàs borratxo
Vine a casa, Espai pastanaga Conillet
Farty de Rush
Woozy Cambrer

Play Toxic City – jocs espacial Unity3D