Унити 3Д игре

Let’s Get Rollin’ | Унити 3Д игре

Унити 3Д игре > Унити 3Д Вештина > Покренимо Роллин’


Let's Get Rollin' is an unity 3d skill game where you are playing in a role of a rookie bowling ball cop, detective Rollins which has to take down an international network of evil King Pins! Bowl your way through over 10 action-packed levels and knock down as many pins as you can along the way. Use powerups including ultra-fast bowling and super-high jumps to help take out all the King Pins and their leader, the evil Czar Red Pin!


To play Let's Get Rollin', ћете користити тастере са стрелицама за померање и размакницу за скок.

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